How Do You Get Bed Bugs
How Do You Get Bed Bugs
Bedbugs are spreading rapidly and impacting cities across the world.
You feel paranoid about bed bugs even though you don’t know how they got in your home.
Make sure to keep your home clean and inspect it often. Bedbugs can easily enter your house through luggage or clothing that travels. Don’t forget to ask your guests to inspect their suitcase before bringing it into the bedroom!
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects with reddish brown skin and flat bodies. They are oval in shape because they go through a metamorphosis process where they shed their outer layer of skin and grow a new smaller one. They live on the blood of animals or people and feed on the blood of their host which makes them very difficult to get rid of.
How Do You Get Bed Bugs And Where Do They Live?
Bed bugs are known to hide and live in the seams of mattresses, so they are not easily seen.
Bed bugs are one of the most commonly encountered household pests. People who have infested apartments or homes can often find them crawling on curtains, doors, and walls. They can also be found in carpets, furniture, clothing, bedding, and even pictures on the wall.
Bed bugs usually travel from place to place inside your home by crawling through cracks in walls or windows if they cannot find a way out. They typically bite their hosts while they sleep as it is difficult for their hosts to see them due to their small size. Bed bugs also like to hide in items that people bring into an infested home like clothing that has been worn outside or books that have been picked up
How do you know if you have bed bugs?
Bed bugs are a significant problem, which can affect your health and quality of life. They are difficult to find, impossible to see, and highly adaptable.
Bed bugs do not just live in beds, they also live in couches and other furniture. If you have bed bugs infestation in your home, you should consider the following:
– Check under the mattress for blood spots; if there are any blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases, the bed is likely infested with bed bugs as well- check behind headboards or other furniture for any signs of bed bug activity
– Check your luggage when travelling for any signs of bed bug activity
– Closely examine cracks on walls where insects may be entering/exiting–this is especially important if you have a baby or small
How Do Bed Bugs Differ From Other Pests?
Bed bugs are a type of insect in the family Cimicidae, so they are related to cockroaches and mosquitoes. They come out during the night and hide in cracks and crevices.
Bed bugs will feed on human blood but they will also feed on other insects like lice, fleas, silverfish, flies, etc. They can live for about 12 weeks without feeding on humans.
Bed bugs have a flat oval body with six legs that are long and thin with a big head. They have brownish-gray coloration with markings on their first two segments of their antennae.
The three most common signs of bed bug infestation: dark stains or excretions from bites, reddish-brown fecal spots (cast skins), black fecal spots
Why Do You Shouldn’t Delay in Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are one of the most common pests that people encounter in their homes. Because they can be a serious health risk, it is important to eliminate them quickly and completely.
Bed bugs can be hard to find because they do not like light or any disturbances. They also tend to hide in places like wallpaper, mattresses, and cracks of the floorboards. You have to know where they might be hiding in your home before you can get rid of them.
Some people might think that it’s best to wait for bed bugs to move before taking action; however, waiting could result in more damage than just dealing with the pests immediately. If you know where your bed bugs are likely hiding or if you notice other signs of infestation, then it is important not delay getting rid of them right away
How Do Bed Bugs Infest Your House?
When bed bugs infest your home, they can be hard to get rid of. They first start with bite marks on the skin and then move on to eating the blood, leaving visible stains. This makes it difficult to identify if you have a bed bug infestation.
Bed bugs primarily travel around via people. They are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide which are mainly released by humans. When people travel in and out of their homes, they bring bed bugs with them which oftentimes causes an infestation in new places or different rooms in the same house.
Bed bugs are also known to spread when households purchase secondhand furniture that has been previously treated for bedbugs but not properly cleaned from the treatments, so it is important to inspect all used furniture before purchasing it or bringing into your home for use
How A Professional Pest Control Company Can Help You To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?
Our Pest control services are a special type of maintenance service. Our team will inspect your home to determine the extent of the problem, then provide you with a solution that will work for your specific needs.
The pest control service usually includes inspecting the property for pests and rodents, trapping them, and spraying the property with chemicals designed to kill both bed bugs and their eggs.
Contact Bugz Bug Me to get quality pest control services at an affordable price.